Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The culture of blame

The real Obamas please stand up.

I just read Mike Murphy's article on TIME magazine and, well, the first thing I might ask for is higher taxes on gasoline so we can increase the demand and become more proactive about alternative sources of energy instead of buying oceans and dreams in search for oil. The oil rush. Derivatives, derivatives, derivatives. In sum, a 14 trillion dollar debt never leaves and we are borrowing to pay the interest.

Social darwinism in its extremes. Society recycles itself. We recycle ourselves and so forth. As brilliant historian Jean Gimpel told us, "The economic depression that struck Europe in the fourteenth century was followed ultimately by economic and technological recovery. But the depression we have moved into will have no end. We can anticipate centuries of decline and exhaustion. There will be no further industrial revolution in the cycles of our Western Civilization."

There is simply no formal ending to this post, neither an acceptable paragraph, but well, would the real Obamas please stand up.

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